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Powerful Truths from the Kitchen Stove - Blessed Is She

Powerful Truths from the Kitchen Stove

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”// Luke 11:9-13 A small tree grew alongside...
October 06, 2022
Rely on His Strength - Blessed Is She

Rely on His Strength

"Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you." // John 16:23 I heard the soft chiming of the alarm clock....
May 27, 2022
Cloaked with Heavy Tension - Blessed Is She

Cloaked with Heavy Tension

And when he comes he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation. // John 16:8 The shouting increased, shattering the peace of the quiet evening....
May 24, 2022
Seek His Mercy - Blessed Is She

Seek His Mercy

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love.” // John 15:9 A rhythmic patter of rain hit the old, weathered roof of the...
May 19, 2022
Gather Every Fragment - Blessed Is She

Gather Every Fragment

"Gather up the fragments left over, that nothing may be lost."// John 6:12 I live in the Arizona desert. The dirt here feels parched, but the land is not barren....
April 29, 2022
I Am Set Free - Blessed Is She

I Am Set Free

For as yet they did not know the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. // John 20:9 They stood at the front of the church on Easter Vigil,...
April 17, 2022
He Is Hope Fulfilled - Blessed Is She

He Is Hope Fulfilled

I lit each candle, whispering their names, and letting the tears fall. The sweet smell of melting wax and smoke was both familiar and comforting. Yet the ache in my...
November 28, 2021
The Lord Knew Him and Us - Blessed Is She

The Lord Knew Him and Us

He leaned against our kitchen counter, clutching his plate close to his chest, quickly shoveling forkfuls of food in his mouth. His eyes darted around nervously, a habit he developed...
November 04, 2021
What's Humble Holiness All About? - Blessed Is She

What's Humble Holiness All About?

I walked up the smooth stone steps, balancing a tray of muffins in one hand as my five-month-old daughter squirmed on my hip, and repeatedly poked me in the eye...
October 30, 2021
Choose Him in Everything - Blessed Is She

Choose Him in Everything

The warm wind blew her silver hair across her face, a beautiful face with dark deep-set eyes and a map of wrinkles. Wrinkles that told the story of her ninety...
October 05, 2021
Suffering and Beauty Together - Blessed Is She

Suffering and Beauty Together

My husband stood in the yard. A whispered prayer fell from his lips as he looked at the sunset. He was pleading with the Lord. Pleading with the Lord beneath...
September 28, 2021
God Is My Home - Blessed Is She

God Is My Home

I recognized his familiar gait as he limped over to our van and grabbed a bottle of water, pressing it to his forehead, hopeful that it would offer some reprieve...
September 08, 2021