What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia
One of the central pieces to the mission of Blessed is She is helping women find and create Catholic community. We love our online community, and we've been amazed by...
A Personal Holiness Mnemonic
It can be all too easy to look at the world in utter despair. Even as women of faith, we can be tempted to feel profoundly discouraged by the nasty...
A Christian Response to Millennial Burnout: Giving and Receiving Love
In January, Anne Helen Peterson called out a disturbing cultural trend in her viral Buzzfeed article "How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation." Peterson explained, "In a marked shift from the...
The Most Important Thing I Want My Children to Know
When I'm kept up at night by my racing thoughts, they usually revolve around my children. Specifically, they involve rigorous scrutiny of what I am or am not doing to...
Defend Us in Battle
Ah, the glory of the battlefield. My childhood was formed by a thousand tales of skirmishes and battles, knights and soldiers, wars and warfare. Some of them were factual. The...
The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids
The first people to ask us for a devotional for children were, in fact, our own children. Their sentiments were echoed from the amazing women in our community and in...
A Litany for Female Friendships
I was scrolling through social media and came across a meme that read: Your circle should want you to win. Your circle should clap the loudest when you have good...
Why We Hope Our Kids Rise Up
We all have children in our lives in some capacity. We are moms, aunts, big sisters, teachers, godmothers, parish volunteers, and foster parents. In our work with children—whatever that looks...
Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission
It’s no secret that fewer and fewer millennials attend Mass and identify as practicing Catholics. To some, this may seem like a crisis. To others, this may seem like a...
What's Next After Advent and Lent?
If you have enjoyed walking through Lent or Advent with the thousands of other women doing the Blessed is She liturgical journals, you may be wondering what's next. How can...
Spring Cleaning Your Soul
I absolutely love spring. The last of the dirty snow piles melt away, the ice thaws, the gray skies slowly shift back to sunshine. Fresh breezes flow through open windows....
Finding Joy (with Encouragement from the Saints)
We packed away our ornaments, stockings, and wreaths until next year. Both my fireplace mantel and my heart felt a little barer because of it. I don’t even live in...