Betrayal: one of life’s most painful experiences.
If you have been betrayed by a man you thought was trustworthy, by a friend you believed had your back, by a parent or relative who had the responsibility to protect and care for you, or perhaps even by yourself for not staying true to who you are and what you need, then you know firsthand the shattering pain of betrayal.
Jesus, too, knows this kind of pain. In today’s Gospel, Peter has just been forgiven for denying Jesus three times and he recalls to mind the Last Supper when the Apostle John asked Jesus who will betray Him. Peter wonders what the fate will be of this Apostle who remained faithful. Jesus then reminds Peter to not compare his call to those of others, offering these clear words to him: “You follow Me” (John 21:22).
If facing the betrayal by someone we have loved or even if we have betrayed our own selves by not remaining faithful to our calling and what we have wanted and needed for ourselves, Jesus’ words provide a solid answer and solution about what to do.
“You follow Me,” He says to us today.
This is what is important. This is our focus and what truly concerns us. We can leave behind the evil and hurt that has been done to us through others’ bad choices, and we can choose to live our lives and follow the Lord. We can leave behind our own mistakes and faithlessness and make new choices to follow after Christ.
Like in today’s Psalm, let us gaze upon the Lord and keep our eyes set on Jesus with a renewed commitment to remain faithful and true to His loving will for us. (See Psalm 11:4, 5, 7.)
He is calling you. Will you respond by focusing on the negative ways others have acted? Or will you fully live your life, keeping your eyes on Him? Will you step forward into how God is asking you to live in faithfulness and truth in His good promises of love for you?
Jesus says to you, “You follow Me.”
How will you respond as you hear Him say these words to you today?
For women discerning a vocation to the religious life, have you seen these sisters?
Mary Catherine Craige enjoys spending her time dancing, writing, playing the Irish harp and learning about life from her experiences surfing. As a transformational life coach, she supports women, especially in times of transition, challenge, and loss, to design their lives to live fully alive as the person God has created them to be. She is a contributing author to our children's devotional prayer book, Rise Up. You can find out more about her here.