It feels good to open the Bible, read Scripture, close my eyes, and let the Holy Spirit speak to my heart. You see, it’s been awhile since I’ve done that. I know. That’s not what you want to hear from a devotional writer, but I've been struggling. My prayer life has been dry, not because I feel like God isn’t listening. Rather, I haven’t been giving God the time He deserves.
Pre-pandemic, I had a lovely prayer routine going—prayer walks, visits to the Adoration Chapel, devotions, Mass, Reconciliation, etc. However, with Covid-19, I’m sequestered in my home, have limited access to the Sacraments, and my kids are with me 24/7 as we distance learn. Sure, there are moments when I turn my mind to God and speak to Him, but it’s brief.
I need more.
In the Gospel, the faithful servants were waiting at the door ready for their Master. Jesus has knocked on the door of my heart, but too often I let other things get in the way and I halfheartedly promised Our Lord that I’d spend time with Him later, but later came and went. I’m tired of being too busy.
While I can blame this pandemic lifestyle, in honesty, how hard am I really trying? If I can find time to scroll and repost funny memes on Instagram or binge-watch a show, then I can find time to pray and read Scripture.
I want to be the faithful servant "ready to open immediately when He comes and knocks" (Luke 25:36) because my heart is aching for Him. So, let today be our reminder to be ready and waiting, not only to face Jesus at the end of our life, but every day, to hear Him at the door of our heart.