Joseph and his coat. Jealousy, envy, comparison, greed, and malice. The mind and heart can be dark places, can't they? The landowner and his vineyard. Jealousy, envy, comparison, greed, malice, and death.
Both stories are ours. Both stories speak volumes about who we are and who He created us to be. Both illustrate the choices we have as His people to choose well, to love well, and to serve well . . . or not. Both stories point to the great gift that this life truly is, and how easy that can be to forget.
It is far too easy for me to take each moment of each day for granted. I wake up, have my quiet time, and before long the baby is up and we're hustling and bustling trying to get it all done—whatever "it" is. It is easy for me to figuratively look over the fence into my neighbor's yard and long for what they have. More of this or less of that.
It is easy for me to scroll mindlessly on social media—forgetting that my time is not my own but His and that the gifts and skills and abilities He created me with are enough. More than enough. I am enough just as I was made, but I have to strive to live out this God-given potential.
In Matthew 21:43, Jesus tells us, "Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit." We are called to produce fruit, and He equips us to do that.
I have incredible capacity to learn and love and serve. I can be His hands and feet today, in these gifted moments that He's given me. I don't want to live in a mind and heart space that place me at the center of the world—that's where I lose sight of the gift of Him.
Today, I will live in the freedom of His love and light, knowing wholeheartedly this day is a gift, my life is a gift, and the opportunity to share His love is a gift, too. Let's make these choices together, sister.
The fact we have free will is an important part of our belief system. Explore it further here.
Shalini Blubaugh is a Minnesota transplant living in Denver, Colorado with her sweet husband, Matt, their brand new gal pal, Callan, and quite large GSD pup, Sully. She is a health coach and loves pizza, because #balance. Shalini graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, served with NET Ministries, and went on to attend Law School. She graduated with her J.D. and happily leaves all things Law behind! Some of her favorites include travel, re-connecting with old friends and making new ones, the ways in which God so beautifully brings all things full circle in His time, and a good, loud thunderstorm. Find out more about her here.