Brothers and sisters: For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. // Galatians 5:1
For many years, I was addicted to gossip. It’s embarrassing to admit, but there you go. Gossip, in the moment, felt good on my lips. It was practically delicious to me. It was also a form of slavery. Looking back now that God has set me free, I can see how Satan used it to keep me wrapped up in shame and anxiety.
For years I was wounded and insecure. It would take one negative interaction that would rub up against a wound, and in order to feel better, I would repeat the offending interaction to friends.
And then I would feel guilt and shame for talking badly about someone, so I would have to apologize to everyone.
And repeat.
The cycle didn’t stop until I focused not just on gossip, but on my wounds. Once I allowed Jesus to go to those places where He wanted to set me free, with God’s grace I started to have victory.
The readings and responsorial for today focus on an interior freedom brought on by God’s mercy. We do not submit again to the yoke of slavery because we have been set free by God. He goes beyond the surface and dives deep into our hidden places, taking away the yoke of slavery brought on by sin. God reaches into our hidden depths to offer healing beyond anything we could ever hope or dream.
He goes beyond the surface. // Rachel Balducci Click to tweet