Hey there, friends! Lent is upon us, and what a beautiful time it is to dive deeper into our relationship with Jesus. This season invites us to reflect on our lives, to find ways to grow closer to Him, and to truly embrace the journey together. It’s not about the programs we follow or the resolutions we make—it’s about you and me, living in union with Christ.
The Heart of the Matter
You know, for a long time, I’ve been saying, “I want a heart that burns for you.” But today, I realized I want a heart that rests in Him. It’s about finding that peace and comfort in His presence, knowing that it’s not all on us to figure everything out. Our lives change and transform through Jesus, and it’s our witness that draws others to Him.
Beginning Again
As we step into this season, many of us are thinking about what to give up or what new practices to take on. It can feel overwhelming, right? But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be. Instead of stressing about what we should do, let’s focus on what the Lord wants from us. Sometimes it’s just about the posture of our hearts. Are we trying to do things for Him, or are we allowing Him to work through us?
Letting Go of Control
I’ve had my share of struggles with resolutions, especially during Lent. I often feel like I have to do it all perfectly, and when I don’t, I get frustrated. But what if we approached this season differently? What if we just let Jesus take the reins? I’ve been praying, “Lord, what do you want me to do this Lent?” It’s a heart of surrender, allowing Him to prune us and guide us.
Resting Under the Olive Tree
Imagine being like an olive tree in the garden of your soul, where Jesus is the Gardener. He knows what needs to be pruned and how to help us grow. We don’t have to have all the answers or a 40-day plan. Instead, we can rest in His love, trusting that He is doing the work in us. This Lent, I’m excited to simply be with Him, to let the Gardener tend to my heart.
Evangelization Starts with Us
As we navigate through Lent, let’s remember that evangelization isn’t about programs or initiatives; it’s about you and me living authentically for Christ. Our lives, transformed by His love, are the best witness we can offer to the world. Together, we can create a ripple effect, drawing others closer to Him.
Resources to Guide Us
If you’re looking for ways to deepen your prayer life this Lent, I encourage you to check out some amazing resources. Whether it's through daily reflections, group studies, or simply spending quiet moments with the Lord, there’s something for everyone. You can find resources like this study guide to help you dive deeper into your faith journey.
Join Our Community
We’d love for you to join our Blessed is She community, where we walk together through this Lenten season. You can subscribe to our daily devotions for inspiration delivered straight to your inbox. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey!
Conclusion: A Season of Growth
As we embark on this Lenten journey, let’s embrace the opportunity to grow in faith and love. Let’s remember that it’s not about what we give up, but about what we gain in our relationship with Jesus. May our hearts burn and rest in Him as we walk this path together, trusting that He will lead us to a place of abundant life.
Let’s pray for each other as we step into this sacred time. You belong here, and together, we can experience the power of His love this Lent.