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The Gift He Wants You to Unwrap - Blessed Is She

The Gift He Wants You to Unwrap

Jesus is teaching me how to be strong in Him. The Father has purified my tendency towards self-reliance with a complete and utter dependence on His Divine Providence. This interior...
June 19, 2021
The Maps in Your Heart - Blessed Is She

The Maps in Your Heart

Do you have maps in your Bible? One of the most fascinating maps to me highlights the journeys of Saint Paul throughout the Roman Empire. This Apostle courageously traveled over...
May 18, 2021
Even Deeper Love - Blessed Is She

Even Deeper Love

The conversion of Saint Paul is one of the most epic plot twists in the Bible. If you combined the beginning and final sentence of today’s reading, it would say,...
April 23, 2021
His Woundedness and My Own - Blessed Is She

His Woundedness and My Own

Jetlagged from traveling five thousand miles and exhausted from standing on cobblestones from 6pm to 6am, we finally made it into Saint Peter’s Square. The Vatican estimated over 800,000 people...
April 11, 2021
Go to Joe! - Blessed Is She

Go to Joe!

As we continue to journey with the Church through this beautiful Year of Saint Joseph, we celebrate today the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The...
March 19, 2021
Wait for the Dawn - Blessed Is She

Wait for the Dawn

“Wait for the dawn. Let’s wait together for the dawn.” These are the words I felt Jesus speaking to my heart in prayer. Like poor Job in our First Reading...
February 07, 2021
Saint Paul's Dramatic Conversion Story - Blessed Is She

Saint Paul's Dramatic Conversion Story

“I wish I had a dramatic conversion story like Saint Paul.” This jealous thought would often creep into my mind during college while listening to others share their testimony. You...
January 25, 2021
Mary Always Leads Us to Her Son, Jesus - Blessed Is She

Mary Always Leads Us to Her Son, Jesus

During my pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, I experienced Mary’s love so deeply. Devoted pilgrims prayerfully moved across the piazza on their knees...
December 12, 2020
Full Supply for Your Needs - Blessed Is She

Full Supply for Your Needs

Saint Paul boasts in his letter to the Philippians 4:10-19 that he knows how to live in every circumstance and he has strength for everything. This sounds really nice, Saint...
November 07, 2020
We Become His Home - Blessed Is She

We Become His Home

We are experts at cleansing the outside. There are numerous times a day for scrubbing, sanitizing, and rinsing the filth from our environments. The dishes, the laundry, and the clutter...
October 13, 2020
Stinkin’ Thinkin’ - Blessed Is She

Stinkin’ Thinkin’

The enemy sometimes tries to whisper his lies to our minds. Do any of these phrases sound familiar? “You are not good enough.” “You are not trying hard enough.” “That...
September 01, 2020
One Man's Yes - Blessed Is She

One Man's Yes

One year ago today, I was in Auschwitz, Poland for the Memorial of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe. It was the final day of my pilgrimage and it was pouring rain....
August 14, 2020