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Uniting My Little Offerings - Blessed Is She

Uniting My Little Offerings

Abel, for his part, brought one of the best firstlings of his flock. // Genesis 4:4 Several years ago, an acquaintance of mine named her son Abel. I had never...
February 12, 2023
Remember My Identity Before You - Blessed Is She

Remember My Identity Before You

“And this is the testimony: God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” // 1 John 5:11 Thank You, Father, for Your gift of Eternal Life....
January 06, 2023
Prepare Him Room - Blessed Is She

Prepare Him Room

When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy toward...
December 23, 2022
Supernatural Grace and Kingdom Living - Blessed Is She

Supernatural Grace and Kingdom Living

“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” // Matthew 9:37-38 Have you experienced the...
December 03, 2022
Experience New Life in Christ - Blessed Is She

Experience New Life in Christ

[L]ive temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age, as we await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our savior Jesus Christ. //...
November 08, 2022
The Little Way's Fruit - Blessed Is She

The Little Way's Fruit

“I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike....
October 01, 2022
God's Mighty Heart - Blessed Is She

God's Mighty Heart

God is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who has withstood Him and remained unscathed? // Job 9:4 Father, You have created me in Your wisdom. You have brought...
September 28, 2022
Mary as Our Patron - Blessed Is She

Mary as Our Patron

Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary, who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled. // Luke 1:45 The Church honors Mary in a special...
September 12, 2022
Hold onto the Faith of Being Rebuilt - Blessed Is She

Hold onto the Faith of Being Rebuilt

Again I will restore you, and you shall be rebuilt. // Jeremiah 31:4 Have you ever felt your life crumble to the ground? Sometimes it is difficult to remain hopeful...
August 03, 2022
Living the Litany of Humility - Blessed Is She

Living the Litany of Humility

Now Herod had arrested John, bound him, and put him in prison. // Matthew 14:3 Saint John the Baptist is quite a mysterious figure in the Gospels. In today’s reading...
July 30, 2022
A House in Order - Blessed Is She

A House in Order

When Hezekiah was mortally ill, the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, came and said to him: “Thus says the LORD: Put your house in order, for you are about to...
July 15, 2022
Thy Will Be Done - Blessed Is She

Thy Will Be Done

“This is how you are to pray.” // Matthew 6:9 A few years ago, I accompanied a friend through a very difficult season in her life. She felt overwhelmed and...
June 16, 2022