"And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them." // Luke 2:19-20
Over the last decade, I've developed a close relationship with Our Blessed Mother. I've leaned on her, prayed for her intercession, and asked her to keep me in her most pure heart. It's been a nurturing and loving relationship, and I've been carried through dark periods in her comforting arms.
Because God is never outdone in His generosity and love, He has gifted me and you with a model for motherhood, marriage, companionship, and familial relationships in her.
Mary, loving Mother:
You held Our Lord in your arms from His birth to His death on the Cross.
You have held me while I've wept in sorrow and have taught me how to be a better mother.
Mary, be a Mother to me now.
Mary, devoted Spouse:
In union with the Holy Spirit and with Saint Joseph, you demonstrate loving obedience, partnership, and support.
You have shown me how to be a better spouse, one who humbly enters into the daily union with my husband, through every up and down.
Mary, show me how to be a better spouse.
Mary, beloved Daughter:
You were held so tenderly by your own parents and submitted yourself as a handmaid to Our Lord.
You have shown me how to accept love and to allow myself to be held by a loving Father.
Mary, help me to see myself as a beloved daughter.
Mary, joyful Companion:
You went to your cousin Elizabeth and joyfully celebrated with one another.
I have asked you for intercession during my greatest celebrations and my deepest disappointments.
Mary, may I lean on you as a friend.
In this new year and on this Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, commit to asking for her intercession. She is a loving and generous mother.
If you have never prayed the Rosary, now is a great time to start! How would you like to invite Mary to change your life?
Invite Mary to change your life. // @substance_soulClick to tweet