for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

When Pavement Ends - Blessed Is She

When Pavement Ends

This sign sits in our front yard. Since it’s covered from view by a line of trees, I rarely glimpse it from the house. But whenever the boys want to...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // MARRIAGE - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // MARRIAGE

Today we are talking about MARRIAGE. The second week of February was National Marriage Week, a week in which the bishops of our Church called on us to promote, strengthen,...
The Joy of 'Yes' Forever - Blessed Is She

The Joy of 'Yes' Forever

When my husband and I were dating I can remember excitedly preparing for date nights, heading out and discovering the joy and simplicity of being in one another’s presence, becoming...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // LENT - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // LENT

Today we are talking about LENT. Lent is a time to stop and reflect. It is a time to grow closer to Christ, through prayer and fasting, through abstinence and...
Making This Lent About God - Blessed Is She

Making This Lent About God

For some reason, I have turned my Lenten preparations into the sole practice of eating way too many pancakes in a Church basement and making my grandmother's Mardi Gras cookies....
This Moment Matters - Blessed Is She

This Moment Matters

I know what it's like to go through seasons in the Church year and end with, "How are we already HERE?! What have I been doing the past few months?...
#BISchat // Hopes for 2015 - Blessed Is She

#BISchat // Hopes for 2015

Last night's #BISchat was so, so good. It was good for my soul, for our community, and for women in general to feel rejuvenated in our hopes for this year....