We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life. // Romans 6:4
“I don’t know if I can do this,” I sputter as I spit sea water out and attempt to defog my goggles. I was standing on the shore of a beach during vacation and attempting to snorkel. Key word: attempting.
I am a strong swimmer and have snorkeled before in the days of yore (pre-kids, pre-career, pre-responsibilities), but on that beach I was having a hard time getting past my knees in the water. Every time I put the mouthpiece in, I started to panic. When I put my face in the water, I was convinced I’d sink to the bottom.
My husband was next to me, standing in his flippers and mask, patiently waiting for me to wade back in. Vacation was going swimmingly (see what I did there?) and I was having fun, but worries were whispering to me in the back of my head: How were our kids doing at home with my parents? Had I applied enough sunscreen? And now, I was concerned that the great big ocean would swallow me whole.
But somehow I gathered a bit of courage and tried again. The salt water kept me buoyant (whew) and I was kicking my fins with a semblance of gracefulness. Just when I was about to give up again, my friend shouted, “TURTLE!” I turned towards him and saw the biggest sea turtle. It was majestic, peaceful, and ancient. My heart rate immediately calmed, and I just floated there following my new friend as it rode the gentle current.
It could have been ten minutes or three hours, but I was at peace. I let the gentle waves flow across my back and the current carry me away from the sand. After leaving the water, I felt brand new, with a peace I hadn’t felt in a long while. I said a little prayer of gratitude for the glimpse of this ancient creature.
Sister, how glorious is the Creator and how restoring His creation! Spend some time outside today. Whether it’s looking at a flower, feeling a breeze on your skin, or absorbing the sunshine, allow His creation to make you feel new.