[devotion based upon the readings for Year B]
We’re almost there, sisters. It’s the final Sunday before Palm Sunday and Holy Week—can you believe it? How are you holding up?
I have to make a confession, sisters: At this point in the Lenten season, I have often found myself over it. I am so ready for Easter—the joy of the Risen Lord! The hope of the Resurrection! The sweet new life of springtime!
But, not yet. Our Lord says it clearly in today's Gospel.
"Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be." (John 12:26)
There is more for us to journey through with our precious Lord. What a gift it is to know the promise that awaits us if we stay with Him on the road. If we are faithful servants, we will also know the empty tomb, and best of all, abide with Him forever in eternal life.
I invite you to step away from your everyday activity to walk with the Lord for a few minutes today. Quiet your heart.
Holy Spirit, bless my Christian imagination in this moment. Give me a soft, open heart to hear from You.
“A clean heart create for me, O God and a steadfast spirit renew within me.” (Psalm 51:12)
Holy Spirit, what does a clean heart look like?
What does my heart look like?
Has the Lord written anything upon your heart, sister? (Jeremiah 31:33b)
“Give me back the joy of your salvation.” (Psalm 51:14)
Take a moment to imagine what the joy of salvation actually feels like. Ask the Spirit to fill you with it.
Tell the Holy Spirit: “I would like to see Jesus,” just as the Greeks did in today’s Gospel. (cf John 12:21).
What do you see when you look into His eyes?
Lord, grant us the grace to journey faithfully with You. Give us open hearts, that we might hear and receive what You so generously wish to share with us along the way.
Elise Howe is a devoted wife, momma, vocal artist and teacher. She currently resides in New York City, though she will always be a Midwestern gal at heart. Elise has a heart for ministry, dark chocolate (but not too dark) and coffee with a generous amount of cream + sugar. Find out more about her here.