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Lessons from Little Children - Blessed Is She

Lessons from Little Children

My classroom assistant helps three young boys mop up a flood caused by a couple of spilled buckets of water. Two older boys argue about whose turn it is to...
August 02, 2021
"Martha, Martha" - Blessed Is She

"Martha, Martha"

“The one thing necessary,” my Dad would say. It was a somewhat ambiguous phrase he’d reference, sometimes almost a joke, but also expressing the depth and seriousness of his continual...
July 29, 2021
When Facing Pushback - Blessed Is She

When Facing Pushback

My mentor shared with me the story of her transformation. After God hadset her free her from various behaviors that had been keeping her in bondage, she was surprised to...
June 30, 2021
Manifest Your Resurrection in Us, Lord - Blessed Is She

Manifest Your Resurrection in Us, Lord

"What do you want to do when you are well?" my new doctor asked me. I had gone through the emotionally exhausting routine of seeing yet another new doctor so...
May 01, 2021
A Strong Will Ordered to Our Good God - Blessed Is She

A Strong Will Ordered to Our Good God

"I'm never coming back to this school again!!" she yelled at me, tears streaming down her five-year-old face. "I'm going to tell my mom on you!" she continued, trying to...
April 21, 2021
Singing New Songs - Blessed Is She

Singing New Songs

I had packed my bags and moved to Ireland, hauling my harp through airports and arriving with excitement to begin a year-long intensive study of Irish music. Ready to "sing...
March 17, 2021
God's Promises Now - Blessed Is She

God's Promises Now

"Jusqu'à maintenant," I heard the priest read in French, and those two words hit me as if I had never heard the story of the Wedding Feast of Cana before....
February 11, 2021
The Value and Gift of Your Precious Life - Blessed Is She

The Value and Gift of Your Precious Life

My grandfather had an old T-model. Sometimes as a little girl I would peak inside the garage window and see this old timey car, not even knowing how special it...
January 22, 2021
All the Surprise Abundance - Blessed Is She

All the Surprise Abundance

I had wanted to be spending that money on my honeymoon, not on a trip by myself, but now that wedding was no longer happening . . . . I...
December 07, 2020
Polish Pierogies, Prudence, and "No Small Potatoes" - Blessed Is She

Polish Pierogies, Prudence, and "No Small Potatoes"

I really need to be prudent, I told myself. My college friends and I were traveling to Poland during our semester abroad, and we had just arrived in the town...
November 06, 2020
Sent to Bring Mercy - Blessed Is She

Sent to Bring Mercy

"Faustina, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit," the Bishop said as he laid his hands on my head. I was in eighth grade, and Saint Faustina was...
October 05, 2020
The Calling of Saint Matthew . . . and of You and Me - Blessed Is She

The Calling of Saint Matthew . . . and of You and Me

"Si chiude . . ." the Italian man said, ushering everyone out of the church of San Luigi Francesi. It had been my first visit back to Rome since I...
September 21, 2020