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God in the Little Moments - Blessed Is She

God in the Little Moments

When they had fulfilled all the prescription of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled...
February 02, 2022
A Life Activated by Faith - Blessed Is She

A Life Activated by Faith

“She remained long at prayer before the Lord.” // 1 Samuel 1:12 I’m moved by the story of Hannah in today’s reading. Hannah was married to Elkanah, who had two...
January 11, 2022
The Quiet Humble Life - Blessed Is She

The Quiet Humble Life

“She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer.” // Luke 2:37 I stood in the back of the hall where the retreat participants were...
December 30, 2021
Being Fruitful in Our Faith - Blessed Is She

Being Fruitful in Our Faith

My sister rolled her eyes and gave me that look. I shut my mouth and gave her an apologetic smile. Yes, I was singing the praises of my boyfriend again,...
November 17, 2021
A Harsh Lesson about Judging Others - Blessed Is She

A Harsh Lesson about Judging Others

I met him at a concert. I immediately noticed his dark hair, dark eyes, and alluring smile. We became friends and as we got to know each other better, he...
October 13, 2021
Moving Past Like Mother Teresa - Blessed Is She

Moving Past Like Mother Teresa

The day was gorgeous! Blue skies were adorned with fluffy clouds and a gentle breeze. As my husband and I walked along the sunny nature trail, I smiled at the...
September 05, 2021
A Severe Mercy - Blessed Is She

A Severe Mercy

"I need you to watch the kids for me until I get back," my mom called out. "Seriously?" I groaned. "I have to watch them again?" As the oldest of...
August 04, 2021
Way Maker and Miracle Worker - Blessed Is She

Way Maker and Miracle Worker

I held back the burning tears and clapped to hide my emotion. Although I was truly happy for my friend’s marriage, it broke my heart. She was years younger than...
July 20, 2021
That Painful Face to Face - Blessed Is She

That Painful Face to Face

I closed my eyes in prayer, and after a few minutes, I imagined Jesus with me. I spoke to Him about my day and in my mind’s eye, He placed...
June 11, 2021
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled - Blessed Is She

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

My pen scratched furiously over the pad of paper on my lap. I was trying to get down all my mom’s instructions. Normally, I would be doing this for a...
May 04, 2021
The Little Voice of the Spirit - Blessed Is She

The Little Voice of the Spirit

The phone rang, and I saw her name. I was tempted to let it go to voicemail. My friend was having a rough time, and lately I’d been her moral...
April 28, 2021
Hear My Cry, O Lord - Blessed Is She

Hear My Cry, O Lord

I slammed the door and stomped to my car. If one more thing went wrong today, I was going to lose it! Then I saw it—a flat tire. I could...
March 23, 2021