February 19, 2025 // Wednesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Mark 8:22-26
Reflect on the Word //
I find myself, quite often, checking the clock. If I make it to x time, I can do the next thing. Only x more hours, then it’s naptime and I can go pray. Just a few more minutes and my husband should be home, so I can get some rest. My maps app says I’ll arrive at my next destination soon. The deadline urges that there are x many days left to complete my tasks. I live at a pace with similar urgency as the people who brought the blind man to Jesus in today’s Gospel, desperate for something to change. I just have to make it to the next thing.
The Lord, in all of His goodness, loves me much more than just helping me get things done. I can imagine myself in the place of the blind man in the Gospel. Jesus takes me by the hand and pulls me lovingly away from it all. I am removed instantly from the expectations, the tasks, and ongoing lists I make for myself. He draws me to intimacy with Him. He invites me into conversation, not a mere transaction. Not only did He give the blind man sight, He gave Him a restored vision, one that comes from a divine encounter.
Sister, may we be reminded that the love Jesus has for us is not reserved to one act or one moment. He is the God of abundance; always having so much more for us. He does not tire of revisiting the area He has already touched in our lives. He desires to lay His healing hands where we desire to see distinctly.
It makes a difference to step outside of the moment you are currently in, fix your eyes on Jesus, and to take a deep breath in His presence. He instructs us to go home, to the place where He dwells with us. We do not have to return to our day in haste. He wants us to sit with Him long enough so that He may restore any and every area of our lives that needs His healing touch.
Relate to the Lord // What healing have you received? Even if Christ has already worked on it before, allow Him again to restore you completely.