December 16, 2024 // Monday of the Third Week of Advent
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9
Reflect on the Word//
I listened to the soft tones from the piano echo down the hall. My son was at it again, playing the line repeatedly until it came together flawlessly. His persistence was not a trait inherited from me. Although we both shared a love of music and had each played piano for decades, I could never practice the way he did. Although eager to learn, as a child and an adult I was impatient with the required repetition; thus my son had quickly surpassed me as a performer.
“Teach me your ways, O Lord” (Psalm 25:4).
We learn by practicing, listening, watching, and attending to what we deem important. There are so many areas in life where I could use some intentional improvement and simple practice. Of course, I want to be a better wife and mother, more patient and loving. But mostly, I want to know the ways of the Lord. I want to know His path, way, truth, and compassion. This takes time and practice. The best way to learn is to simply spend time with Him. And this is the most simple practice to repeat. Every day the same practice—close my eyes, make the Sign of the Cross, and inhale slowly. Come to Him in prayer and open my heart to Him through Scripture. Each time, this repetitive process is entirely different and is an opportunity to learn from the Lord.
“Teach me your ways, O Lord.”
If we want to know the ways of the Lord, we need to focus our hearts and minds on the object of our instruction. We need to sit down and practice a way of life in unity with Him, even if it means doing the same thing repeatedly until we can come together with Him flawlessly.
Relate to the Lord // What practice do you need to return to or persevere in with the Lord?