“Why do you conclude that it is because you have no bread? Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear?” // Mark 8:17-18
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds His disciples of what He has done for them in the past. Reading this passage, I felt embarrassed for them, to be honest. The disciples have forgotten the times that Jesus provided not just exactly what they needed, but even a little extra. Jesus had to remind them.
Before I got too carried away in my judgment, I felt the Lord gently remind me of my own similar tendencies. In the middle of pondering that very reading, of scoffing at the disciples’ wavering trust, another part of my brain was preoccupied with a few needs in my own life.
Would I have enough resources (time, money, energy) to do what God was asking me to do? How would I manage? Would things really work out okay this time?
“Do you remember the other times I provided for you,” I heard the Lord ask me in my heart. And there it was, the truth of God’s provision. He provides. He is faithful.
It’s scary to rely on the Lord. He is always faithful, but somehow I am quick to forget. I’m tempted by anxiety and worry; the Lord redirects me to a place of surrender and trust.
God wants us to be free from cares and concerns; we seem to thrive on them.
And here we see the Lord’s very first followers carry that same human condition—a need to be reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
He will provide. He has done it for you every other time you’ve had a need. He will do it this time, too, whatever it is that worries you.
Ask the Lord to remind you of a time He provided for you when you were afraid He would not. Ask Him to show you any area you need to give to Him so that Jesus can have full control over the things that cause you fear.