Take a deep breath, I think as I try to regain some peace after realizing my friend and I are simply not on the same page about something. My spirit cringes as I read yet another hateful comment from one person to another on social media. I exhale my overwhelm as I scroll through the news headlines which highlight yet again the discord of our society. But perhaps there is one thing on which we might agree: our world is desperate for greater unity.
Disunity seems to be everywhere, and I can only begin to imagine how Our Lord’s heart aches at the brokenness He witnesses in our world, even—especially—within His Church.
“That they may all be one, as you Father are in me, and I in You . . .” (John 17:12).
Today’s Gospel is a tender-hearted outpouring from Jesus to the Father, in which He prays for you and for me, sister (John 17:20-26). Indeed, what an amazing gift we have in His Word to hear Him pray for us! As we read, we remember His desire for us is unity. How have we strayed so far, Lord? I begin to wonder. What can we do?
"I set the Lord ever before me; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed" (Psalm 16:8).
When we keep our eyes upon the Lord and remain close to Him throughout our days, we grow in holiness by His freely given grace. The fruits of this personal relationship bless not only us, but our communities, our neighbors, our families, and our friends with the unifying love of the Lord. Unity in the world starts with me and with you, sister. Let’s pray together:
Father, You are so good. Thank You for Your love. Would You align my heart with Yours? Grant me the grace to keep my eyes lifted towards Your gaze today. Unite our world and Your Church, Lord, in the name of Your Beloved Son, Jesus. Amen.
Thank You for Your love. // @inendlesssongClick to tweet
We ask all this in Your Sacred Name, Jesus.