The Saints on the Sacred Heart of Jesus
When we leave Mass, we ought to go out the way Moses descended Mt Sinai: with his face shining, with his heart brave and strong to face the world’s difficulties. -St. Oscar Romero
Recently, I was listening to a homily by Fr. Mike Schmitz in which he recounts a comment he heard by a choir member one morning at Mass. She leaned over and, looking out at the gathered community, whispered to her neighbor: “I see dead people.”
You know what she means. Imagine your own parish’s post-Christmas day rendition of "Joy to the World." It’s often…underwhelming. We laugh because we can relate to these scenarios, and yet what does that say of, not only our Christian witness, but the state of our own hearts?
The chasm that Fr. Mike describes is very likely the reason that St. Oscar Romero’s quote stood out to me. To go out from Mass in the same manner that Moses did after an actual encounter with God, in which his appearance was altered, seems other-worldly. His face was shining. His heart was brave, strong enough to take on the challenges ahead.
(Naturally—he’s Moses!)
We are quick to dismiss our own experiences as anything that could be infused with holiness, touched by the Holy Spirit, and we do so at our own expense.
Of course, there is a good chance that we do not have frequent mountaintop experiences that can compare to that of Moses. However, if we are gathered together at Mass, hearers of the Word proclaimed, partakers in the Eucharist, then we do in fact have a weekly (possibly even daily) encounter with the living God. And that does change us.
Rather than belittling our own experiences as insignificant, I wonder how much more we might be encouraged and emboldened because of our many opportunities for transformation.
Let Us Pray
Lord, You are a God who transforms. Create in me a heart like Yours, full of fire and love; that, like Moses, I might be emboldened to face the challenges of the day with a brave heart. In Jesus’ holy Name we pray. Amen.
For Discussion
Describe a time when you were emboldened to leave Mass with "face shining and heart brave."
With what spirit would you like to imagine the people in your life describing the way you face the "world’s difficulties"?
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