I often try to barter with Jesus when it comes to change. I know He wants to change my heart, transform my life, and pour out His grace into every area of my life. But my go-to response seems to be, “But just a little at a time, Lord! Not everything all at once! How 'bout just a small bit of change that doesn’t hurt too much, or doesn’t require me to change a lot?”
I want the answers to prayers my way. Not too fast, not too much, not too little. And I don’t want the change required in order for God to transform aspects of my life to be in any way uncomfortable or demanding. Only my way is acceptable.
But in doing this, in being so resistant, I show little faith in what God can do. I need to remember the words of Jesus today. He will not give us things that do not make sense. He will not ruin something good to patch something that is broken. He will not pour out good things only to be washed away and wasted. He will not give us something second-best because what is best for us is worth waiting for (see Luke 5:36-39).
We can try to resist His ways; we can try to barter out the change that needs to take place with God. But His change and plans for us will always be for the good. We will struggle at times to understand and see, but that does not change that God works for the best. Of course, God works in so many ways in our lives, we can see and feel change in our hearts in a matter of a mere instant, but also see it only over the course of years, even decades.
What God wants is so much better for us than we know. In releasing our control over a situation, allowing change and growth, we are cooperating with a God Who only wants the best for us and our lives.
The change and growth may come with pain, suffering, or inconvenience, but let’s remind ourselves today that God’s goodness surpasses our understanding.
What God wants is so much better for us than we know. // Christy IsingerClick to tweet