Sunlight trickled through the flowered curtain as the steam from our teacups curled toward the ceiling. She narrowed the corners of her eyes, which always meant she was about to say something important.
“It’s like this,” she began, leaning across the table. “Jesus gave me a choice: to stay as I was, living my life, knowing He was real, or to go deeper, knowing Him intimately, walking closely with Him. I knew I would choose to go deeper, but I knew there would be suffering involved. It was my choice. And I’ve never regretted it.”
She had suffered with myriad health problems. Doctors said she had fibromyalgia, depression, mold allergies, an undetectable form of Lyme disease, many other things. They treated her symptoms, but couldn’t cure her headaches, her low energy, her mobility issues. Her pain was great, but her faith was unshakeable: she knew she followed Jesus and that He was always with her.
Today’s Gospel always brings her to my mind (Luke 5:1-11). Jesus gives Peter a clear directive: take the boat to deeper water and lower the nets. It’s not because Peter needs instructions on how to fish—he’s been a fisherman all his life! Jesus is giving Peter the chance to trust Him in a new way, a way that pushes the boundaries of logic to the edge of reason. Where Peter’s professional knowledge runs out of explanations is the place where his faith has to take over. Does Peter trust Jesus? Sure, he’s following Him, isn’t he? But does Peter trust Jesus enough to follow His instructions when they seem illogical?
That’s the question for us, too. How much do I trust Him? How far am I willing to let that trust take me? Will I go into deep water with Him when all my instincts say it doesn’t make sense?
Picture yourself in the boat with Jesus. Look into His face: what risk might He be inviting you to take in faith? Ask Him for the courage to trust His leadership. He always sustains us in the ways He calls us to go.
Ask Him for the courage to trust His leadership. // Abbey DupuyClick to tweet