"I myself am convinced about you, my . . . sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness" (Romans 15:14).
Saint Paul is convinced of this. Are you convinced as well?
Are you convinced that you yourself are full of goodness?
In my work as a life coach and from my experience in my own personal journey, I am convicted that once we know, accept, and honor the truth of our own goodness, our lives transform. Change happens in big and powerful ways. We make our decisions no longer from places of fear, insecurity or people-pleasing, but rather from a place of grounded strength, honoring the truth of who we are and the goodness, blessings, and abundance that God truly desires for us.
Honoring our own value is simply accepting what is true. God has created us in His image, and we are good. This is the truth of who we are and how God has created us. We can let go of the self-criticism, the negativity, and the shame. We can stop making excuses about why we think we can't live up to the greatness God intends for us. We can look at our mistakes with self-compassion and now make powerful choices to show up differently in ways that more fully align with who we are and who God has created us to be.
Perhaps this is the "new song" to sing to the Lord. Perhaps even our own lives can become this kind of song of praise to the Lord.
"Sing to the LORD a new song,
for he has done wondrous deeds.
Sing joyfully to the LORD...
break into song; sing praise" (Psalm 98:1, 3).
We truly can live an abundant life that honors our own goodness, celebrates the goodness in others, and continually praises the goodness of God! That is wondrous indeed!
You are good, sisters. You are full of goodness. I am convinced of this. Are you, sister?
Honoring our own value is simply accepting what is true. // Mary Catherine CraigeClick to tweet
Have you listened to any of these Catholic artists? Their praise gives conviction to our being beautifully made.
Mary Catherine Craige enjoys spending her free time dancing, writing, playing the Irish harp and surfing the ocean waves of northeast Florida. As a transformational life coach, she supports women like you to create beauty out of challenging circumstances and to design a life of abundance, freedom and joy as the person God has created you to be. She is a contributing author to our children's devotional prayer book, Rise Up. You can find out more about her here.