for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 18 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 18

A good dancer who knows how to lead is art in motion. They have the ability to make even a bad dancer look good, or even a bad dancer feel...
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 17 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 17

Saint Gemma Galgani. She had the stigmata. She had piercing eyes.  

This was about all I knew about Saint Gemma, and I couldn’t really relate. Then a friend received Saint Gemma’s name at religious profession, and I became intrigued. 

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 16 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 16

Friend. Redeemer. Lord. Creator. Almighty. Savior. These are all titles of God that we are familiar with, and often use to address God. However, the title of husband is not one we hear in worship songs or devotions, and might even make us squirm a little bit.
On Saint Andrew and Doing What is Yours - Blessed Is She

On Saint Andrew and Doing What is Yours

“I have done what was mine; may Christ teach you what is yours.” These words of freedom spoken by Saint Francis of Assisi’s to his brothers when he was on...
Reads + Watches for October's Saints - Blessed Is She

Reads + Watches for October's Saints

October is one of my favorite times of the liturgical year. It's the month of (not so) Ordinary (Saints) Time. Each Saint of October is profoundly different from the others,...
Scripture Verses about Trust - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about Trust

Early in my teaching career, I learned that to have credibility with my students, I had to “say what I mean and mean what I say.” Young people have the...
Scripture Verses about the Attributes of God - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about the Attributes of God

Jesus told us that He would send the Holy Spirit to remind us of all He said to us (see John 14:26). The Holy Spirit was sent to remind us....
The Midlife Series // Prayers for the Season - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // Prayers for the Season

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation - Blessed Is She

Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation

Many years ago, my dad was going through his father’s desk and showed me a precious, antique Christmas card. Attached to the card was a relic of Saint Maria Goretti....
Favored by the Father - Blessed Is She

Favored by the Father

Last summer, I had an opportunity for renewal for three weeks away from mission. My time of retreat and renewal overlapped with one of my very first spiritual directors. In...
Summer Beach Reads for Catholics - Blessed Is She

Summer Beach Reads for Catholics

I love to read: Scripture, spiritual reading, lives of the Saints, novels, and my new favorite, narrative nonfiction. Growing up, I was the kid who read the Reader’s Digest front...
The Seven Churches Pilgrimage for Holy Thursday - Blessed Is She

The Seven Churches Pilgrimage for Holy Thursday

“ …About to hand Himself over to death, [He] entrusted to the Church a sacrifice new for all eternity, the banquet of His love…” The opening prayer for the Mass...