for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Weekly Wallpaper // 298 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 298

You have a place in God's Heart. // Come to the manger and get your Advent devotional here! Love this from today's readings. Let His word dwell in us richly,...
The Ways of the Word - Blessed Is She

The Ways of the Word

This morning, Father approached the ambo, offered the customary greeting and announcement, and began to read the assigned Gospel passage from Mark. As I stood listening, it struck me: “I...
The Amazing Race + God's Amazing Grace - Blessed Is She

The Amazing Race + God's Amazing Grace

When I was a kid in elementary school, I started watching a series called The Amazing Race. I loved analyzing every task and making decisions based on the clues as...
Weekly Wallpaper // 297 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 297

For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood. // Mark 12:44 Love this from today's readings....
Morning Prayer + Our 5 Senses - Blessed Is She

Morning Prayer + Our 5 Senses

As a 20-something unmarried gal, I pretty much have full reign over my daily schedule including how and when I pray. This state of life brought about a sweet season...
Stop Striving and Start Surrendering - Blessed Is She

Stop Striving and Start Surrendering

We have our favorite sins: those sins we find ourselves confessing over and over again. Those sins that always seem to make an appearance, despite our greatest efforts at overcoming...
You're Thinking About Getting the BIS Advent Devotional, But... - Blessed Is She

You're Thinking About Getting the BIS Advent Devotional, But...

Now that November has arrived, our attention turns to the approaching holidays. We began to make lists and plans, bake treats and ideas for gatherings, and renew our commitment to...
Weekly Wallpaper // 296 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 296

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. // Mark 12:31 Love this from today's readings. Let His word dwell in us richly, sisters. Download your F R E E wallpapers...
The Near-Saint Who Discovered the Extra Chromosome in Down Syndrome - Blessed Is She

The Near-Saint Who Discovered the Extra Chromosome in Down Syndrome

My two younger brothers both like to read books and watch movies. One is more focused on sports and can spend hours playing baseball, while the other is drawn to...
How to Tame Your To-Do List - Blessed Is She

How to Tame Your To-Do List

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. // Saint Augustine In the past, I wrestled with this concept a bit. Even though I'm...
Weekly Wallpaper // 295 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 295

Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way. // Mark 10:52 Love this from today's readings....
BIS Reads // Letters to Myself from the End of the World - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Letters to Myself from the End of the World

In 2017, Emily Stimpson Chapman began writing a book about her home renovation. Except another project came up, and then another. Then 2020 happened. Chapman found herself locked down with...