“And this is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not lose anything of what he gave me.” // John 6:35-40
My Aunt Stella sat in her wheelchair, her face radiant with joy as she listened to the musician sing her favorite song in Spanish. His beautiful tenor voice flowed effortlessly as he strummed his guitar. She loved music, and she loved rain, so it was only right that on her last birthday here on earth, she would get both.
As heavy rain fell and lightning blazed across the night sky, my dear Aunt Stella reached for my hand and smiled. In her lovely voice, quiet and sweet, she said, “I want you all to be like the Apostles and tell everyone about Jesus. Family is so beautiful. You see?” I nodded and hugged her.
My Aunt Stella loved the Faith. She deeply desired for all to know the goodness of Christ and His Holy Church. Through times of deep suffering and times of joy, she kept her eyes fixed on Jesus. When her heart was overwhelmed, she rested in the tender and motherly embrace of Our Lady. She was deeply grateful for the gift of grace. Grateful for all the Lord had given her. Grateful for everything.
Sister, I invite you to keep your eyes fixed on the goodness of Christ and His Holy Church. I encourage you to rejoice today in the beauty and richness of our Faith. The graces that Holy Mother Church pours into our lives through the Sacraments. The life of grace offered to us as a precious gift.