A crucifix hangs above my window.
It is the first thing I see when I wake up. When I wake to nurse a baby back to sleep. When I wake from the minor aches and pains of a body that has birthed six children. When I lay awake to pray in times of joy and in times of sorrow.
There I see Him on the Cross. There I am reminded of His love for me. I am reminded of His most Sacred Heart. A heart that beat within Our Lady, our Holy Mother, for our salvation. A heart that ceased beating upon the Cross and poured out for us from the pierced side of Our Lord an ocean of mercy that we did not deserve but was given to us.
He is the Light of the World surrounded by total darkness in the tomb. Then His Sacred Heart filled with life and flowed with His most Precious Blood again. The power and glory of this moment burst the tomb wide open, allowing the light to flood in.
Christ is risen. This is our Savior. This is our God.
Therefore, sister, let nothing steal our peace for we are held within the rays of His Divine Mercy.
Gaze upon the Crucifix. Gaze upon the Lord. Allow Him to flood the places in your heart that are like stone. The fears, the anxieties, the darkness. May it all fall away. May it be crushed beneath the wounded feet of Christ.
In this breaking, in this flow of Blood and Water, may you remember that you are His. May you hear Him whisper, “Do not let your hearts be troubled . . . I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:1, 6).
He is the Light of the World. // Leana BowlerClick to tweet