Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way? // John 14:5
I’ve always held a special affection for Thomas the Apostle. Sure, he gets a bad rap for being the most obvious doubter, but the sentiments of his heart have always felt familiar to me.
How can we know?
Throughout my life and faith journey, I’ve wrestled with my own doubts and perhaps you have too. The same questions that stirred Thomas’ heart have visited my own more frequently than I’d like to admit, especially in moments of suffering, confusion, or hesitancy.
How can I know that no matter what, the Lord knows the way? That He is always good? That He is forever faithful?
I’m grateful for Thomas’ honest curiosity in the presence of the Lord, which elicited a response of great consolation: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).
Jesus responded to Thomas in the same way He responds to you and me: with His whole heart and His whole life. He doesn’t assure us of the next steps or give us immediate answers to all our curiosities, but leaves us with the promise of His constant fidelity.
Time and time again, despite our doubts and questioning, the Lord continues to call us. Thomas’ frequent queries did not disqualify him from drawing close to the Lord, so close as to touch His very wounds, and neither do ours.
He is everything. He will never leave. We have everything we need.
Do you feel the weight of doubt or wondering on your heart today? Share it with the Lord. Be bold in your curiosity and listen for His faithful response.
We have everything we need. // Kelsey Dassance Click to tweet