"At the sight of the crowds, His heart was moved with pity . . . " (Matthew 9:36).
He sees me. In my weakness. In my struggles.
As I face the difficulties of my day-to-day. In my troubles He meets me. In those moments I feel abandoned by my friends, my family, my coworkers, or the crowds at large—He sees me.
We are not sheep without a shepherd, sister. We are not lone soldiers hidden from His gaze. He sees us. He meets us. And He greets us as we pursue holiness and His heart. He is Who He says He is. He is our shepherd, our master, and our divine healer. In His merciful gaze we are reminded that nothing today, tomorrow, or to come is outside of His mercy, love and compassion.
And what's more is this: I must remember, too, not only Who He is but who He created me to be.
"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few . . ." (Matthew 9:37).
Jesus, the Master, has set both you and me on this earth to be His hands and feet. To shepherd those who are lost amidst the treasures of this world. To ofter our time, our talents, our treasures as ways to lend a healing hand to those we meet each day. To greet the difficulties in our day to day with deep knowledge of His mercy and deep hope in His might. To imitate Jesus' way as little laborers in the fields in which we spend our days.
We are His hands and feet. We are the laborers He has called, equipped, and sent out. We can be His light, His love, His hope today, sister. We can rise above what only our eyes can see of the world and call to mind the Truth of Who He was, is, and will always be.
He sees me. In my weakness. In my struggles.Click to tweet
Do you pray this prayer to the Holy Face of Jesus? Try it today.
Shalini Blubaugh is a Minnesota transplant living in Denver, Colorado with her sweet husband, Matt, their brand new gal pal, Callan, and quite large GSD pup, Sully. She is a health coach and loves pizza, because #balance. Shalini graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, served with NET Ministries, and went on to attend Law School. She graduated with her J.D. and happily leaves all things Law behind! Some of her favorites include travel, re-connecting with old friends and making new ones, the ways in which God so beautifully brings all things full circle in His time, and a good, loud thunderstorm. Find out more about her here.