for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Public Schooling Catholic Kids - Blessed Is She

Public Schooling Catholic Kids

For my husband and me, it was a relatively easy decision. Even though I was a product of Catholic school myself. Even though I had taught in a Catholic school...
BIS Reviews: Evergreen - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews: Evergreen

We at Blessed is She were given the awesome opportunity to preview a new feature film made by a Catholic indie filmmaker, Tanner Kalina. His movie, Evergreen, recently won several...
The Constancy of God in Our Times of Transition - Blessed Is She

The Constancy of God in Our Times of Transition

I was out running errands when I got the text. It was one of those days, you know? There was so much to do that I knew when I left...
5 New Titles for Your Catholic Bookshelf - Blessed Is She

5 New Titles for Your Catholic Bookshelf

I’m a huge historical fiction fan. I have loved to read my entire life and always seem to have a stack of to-be-read books on my nightstand. Sound familiar? And...
Confirmation Gift Guide - Blessed Is She

Confirmation Gift Guide

“Angela, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Bishop Kelleher said to me on that spring day in 1991. “Amen,” I answered. “Peace be with you.” “And also...
First Communion Gift Guide - Blessed Is She

First Communion Gift Guide

It was a beautiful day in May. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and all the flowers and trees were bursting with the beauty of spring. Upstairs in...
The Ordinary Romance of Marriage - Blessed Is She

The Ordinary Romance of Marriage

It was a Saturday evening not too long ago. I was getting ready to go out with my girlfriends. We were going to a nice dinner at a swanky restaurant...
Prayer Pledge // Day 31 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge // Day 31

Week Five // Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Holy Spirit, living breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. Let the presence of the risen Lord Come...
Prayer Pledge // Day 30 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge // Day 30

Week Five // Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Holy Spirit, living breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. Let the presence of the risen Lord Come...
Prayer Pledge // Day 29 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge // Day 29

Week Five // Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Holy Spirit, living breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. Let the presence of the risen Lord Come...
Prayer Pledge // Day 28 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge // Day 28

Week Five // Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Holy Spirit, living breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. Let the presence of the risen Lord Come...
Prayer Pledge // Day 27 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge // Day 27

Week Five // Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God Holy Spirit, living breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. Let the presence of the risen Lord Come...