"I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father." // John 15:15
Her back eased onto the couch as she pulled the ceramic coffee mug up close to her trembling lips for a slurp.
"Really, it's quite simple," she began as she stepped through the ways, one after the other, that the men in her life had treated her. The one who told her she was too flabby, the one who told her she wasn't up-to-date on social justice causes, the one who slept with her and never texted again. Her vision of herself dimmed to the point of a dull, dark, shadow.
It was my turn to speak. I looked left, out the window, and hoped my guardian angel would show up to help. I begged the Holy Spirit to brighten the room as I blinked. "You are so loved," I began. And in the next few hours, I shared my understanding of our worth, our identities, our purposes based on what I knew from Jesus' teachings, from my Catholic faith. She listened and responded, we both cried a bit, and the hot cocoa refill for me was . . . as numerous as her coffee ones.
That conversation, that moment in time, I had the chance to love my friend as Jesus loved His friends the apostles. I could share everything I had learned from the Father. Not to preach or teach or correct or scold. I shared my spiritual life with her. And while I hesitated because what if she were offended? or thought I was a weirdo? I'm so glad I did it.
What have you learned from the Father? Who needs to hear it?