He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." // Mark 16:15
Sitting in my American History class, my teacher announced a new group project that we would be working on in class. My stomach dropped at the idea of having to “work together.” Not only was I shy, but I was terribly insecure. Not just about how I looked, but about my faith. I had recently reconverted and was still navigating how to handle being in public school while also being Catholic.
After being assigned to our groups, we rearranged the desks so that we could sit together. One of the popular girls sat next to me, and I quickly turned my cross ring to the other side of my finger so that she couldn’t see it.
I always wanted to fit in. I avoided anything that could possibly upset others, including my faith. My anxious thoughts would captivate me as I pondered how I could respond if someone questioned what I believed. I thought hiding my faith was the solution to my fear. I thought my comfort meant that the “solution” was working.
In today’s Gospel reading we hear, “He said to them, ‘Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15).
Sister, living out the Gospel and proclaiming it isn’t easy. There were days when I was barely hanging onto the Truth. Days when I didn’t even believe the Truth. I still have those days.
As beloved daughters, we aren’t made for comfort. Jesus wasn’t slaughtered in public so that I could be ashamed of what I believed in. Yes, moments of confrontation are scary. Yes, harsh words of nonbelievers are painful.
The scourging at the pillar, the crowning of thorns, carrying the Cross, being nailed to the Cross, being beaten and mocked were also painful. He knows your suffering. He’s been through the worst of suffering so that He may know ours.
Jesus, we thank You for your sacrifice. Help us to be courageous in our faith, especially when we feel weak. May we always turn to You. Amen.
He’s been through the worst of suffering so that He may know ours. // Bella RolClick to tweet