"Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete" (John 16:24). If I'm being honest, this verse is one I really struggled with before I knew the Lord and His heart.
Okay, God. I've asked You for [insert whatever it is you've been chatting with Him about], and I'm still waiting. Or You just flat out said no. Why are You ignoring me? Why have You abandoned me and the desires of my heart? Are You even listening to me? Do You even care?
All thoughts and questions I've asked Him before. All heartfelt, deeply felt convictions for me in my faith journey.
"For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved me and have come to believe that I came from God. I came from the Father and have come into the world" (John 16:27-28).
It wasn't until I began to really, truly know God as my Father, friend, fiercest protector and shield, that I began to really, truly understand His will for me. His heart for me. His desires for me.
All of those seemingly unanswered or ignored prayers—He's been leading me all along. Sometimes with a "not right now." Sometimes with a "trust Me." Sometimes with a "I have something far greater for you in store." Sometimes with a "I will bring hope from this sorrow and tragedy." Always with a heart for my greater good and His greater glory.
"Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete." In friendship with the Lord, my prayers have changed. And my joy continues to be more complete more and more each day because of it.
Sweet Father, help me to live this day with your heart. Bring those who need to experience Your light and Your love to my attention today. Remind me today that my life is interruptible. Draw me close to You through my experiences today, whether they elicit joy or sorrow. Here I am, Lord, with open hands to receive whatever it is You so desire to place in them today. My joy is made complete in trusting that You truly are for me.
Keep praying this prayer with us today, sister.
Shalini Blubaugh is a Minnesota transplant living in Denver, Colorado with her sweet husband, Matt, their brand new gal pal, Callan, and quite large GSD pup, Sully. She is a health coach and loves pizza, because #balance. Shalini graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, served with NET Ministries, and went on to attend Law School. She graduated with her J.D. and happily leaves all things Law behind! Some of her favorites include travel, re-connecting with old friends and making new ones, the ways in which God so beautifully brings all things full circle in His time, and a good, loud thunderstorm. Find out more about her here.