for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Waiting in Darkness - Blessed Is She

Waiting in Darkness

I have been thinking a lot about the dark as the northern hemisphere creeps toward the longest night of the year. As an early riser, I notice these changes as...
The Difference Between All Saints' and All Souls' Days (and How to Celebrate Both) - Blessed Is She

The Difference Between All Saints' and All Souls' Days (and How to Celebrate Both)

Happy Feast of All Saints! This feast begins the month of November and orders our hearts and prayers toward a posture of giving gratitude. All Saints' Day and All Souls'...
Harvest Time and Letting Go - Blessed Is She

Harvest Time and Letting Go

Metaphors are a powerful tool for teaching, and there are few metaphors richer than that of bringing something new to birth. Two Kinds of Birth I always find it interesting...
Better Together: On the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul - Blessed Is She

Better Together: On the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul

In the way that only the Holy Spirit can work, St. Vincent de Paul has been tailing me for a long time. In eighth grade, long before I had ever...
A Letter to the First-Time College Student - Blessed Is She

A Letter to the First-Time College Student

Dear First-Time College Student (words I wish I had heard at the dawn of my college experience), I am so excited to hear that you are headed to college soon....
St. Bridget of Sweden + Preconceived Notions - Blessed Is She

St. Bridget of Sweden + Preconceived Notions

Recently on a hot afternoon at the park, my kids and I headed for the shade of a picnic pavilion at a nearby lake. We were marveling at the dragonflies...
Gardening for the Soul: Creating with the Creator - Blessed Is She

Gardening for the Soul: Creating with the Creator

Listen! A sower went out to sow. -Matthew 13:3   Growing up, we watched a lot of nature shows in our house. In that time, I got a good sampling...
St. Joseph the Worker Animates Our Service to Others - Blessed Is She

St. Joseph the Worker Animates Our Service to Others

“Look, Mom! That lady is feeding her baby while she drives!” shouted the alarmed voice from the backseat. Confused by this outburst, I looked around to find the woman in...
When Easter Sunday Feels Like Good Friday - Blessed Is She

When Easter Sunday Feels Like Good Friday

By and large, the Easter Sundays I have celebrated these past thirty-some years have spanned the spectrum and landed primarily on the joyful side. As a child, Easter joy made...
Why We Need St. Oscar Romero - Blessed Is She

Why We Need St. Oscar Romero

In October of 2018, Pope Francis canonized the seven newest Saints in the Church. Among them was Bishop and martyr, St. Oscar Romero, whose first feast day we celebrate today....
The Feast of St. Blaise + the Blessing of the Throats - Blessed Is She

The Feast of St. Blaise + the Blessing of the Throats

Although any farm-kid will tell you that there are limitations to being tied to the land, I have always romanticized it. I love the stability and commitment to a particular...
Fruits of the Spirit Book List - Blessed Is She

Fruits of the Spirit Book List

Happy new year, sisters, and welcome to 2019! I hope that this idle Tuesday serves as a day of peace. Whether it is savored early in the morning over coffee,...