for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Scripture Verses about Resurrection - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about Resurrection

The Easter story hinges on one detail: the Resurrection. Without resurrection, Easter is business as usual... yesterday’s news. The story that the God of the Universe was writing through Jesus’...
Behold // The Feast of the Annunciation - Blessed Is She

Behold // The Feast of the Annunciation

Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. // Luke 1:38 "Whenever...
Rocks, Chairs, and Popes - Blessed Is She

Rocks, Chairs, and Popes

If you have had the opportunity to watch the first seasons of The Chosen, you too might have extra appreciation for the figure of Peter. In the series, Simon (Peter)...
Epiphany // Uninvited Guests + Savvy Star-Gazers - Blessed Is She

Epiphany // Uninvited Guests + Savvy Star-Gazers

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the culmination of Christmastide is celebrated at last during the arrival of the Magi. Gifts aren’t exchanged among families until the Christ-Child would have received...
Committing to Minimalism During A Consumer Month - Blessed Is She

Committing to Minimalism During A Consumer Month

Warning: This post contains unseasonable encouragement to step back from purchasing during this highly-consuming month. Permission to Make a Switch Perhaps I have given myself particular permission to do less...
Saint Quotes When You Need Rest - Blessed Is She

Saint Quotes When You Need Rest

Is there anything I can say at this time of year that isn’t cliché when it comes to the passing of time or the general sense or urgency where we...
Discernment as a Team - Blessed Is She

Discernment as a Team

In Catholic circles, the word "discernment" is often thrown around. And with good reason. Making decisions prayerfully and intentionally is one of the best ways we can honor God by...
Saint Hildegard of Bingen - Blessed Is She

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

I know exactly one person who knew as a child what she wanted to be when she grew up. One. She told us in second grade what she planned to...
Saints Who Lived at the Same Time - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Lived at the Same Time

As a summer girl at heart, I do not need a lot of encouragement to celebrate. Hot days, stormy afternoons, fireworks, ice cream ... I am in! And, I am...
Pilgrims Persistent in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Pilgrims Persistent in Prayer

Since early in the new year, I have been tuning in to Father Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year Podcast. Recently, we heard the Gospel of Mark. Over and over...
REMEMBER Series // A Miraculous Mission - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // A Miraculous Mission

Welcome to our Remember series, where we pause to reflect on how God has proven faithful in the past so to help us place our trust in Him in the...
On the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

Everyone loves the stories of the young hero/heroine. Our hearts swell along with the music when justice is done and good conquers evil. Really, we need these stories to remind...