Then [Jesus] said to them, "Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?" But they remained silent. // Mark 3:4
My announcement of upcoming changes planned by the new pastor to our parish retreat ministry was met by the team members with an uncomfortable silence; the kind of silence that clamors inside hearts and minds resistant to change.
In today’s Gospel (see Mark 3:1-6), Jesus is angered and grieved at the hard hearts of religious leaders resistant to change even when it brings life and health. The Pharisees are not prepared for Jesus to exercise a higher authority than their own.
Yet, how do we respond to the changes Jesus allows in our own lives? Do we prioritize divinely given or man-made rules without charity for those they serve? When we close our hearts to His invitation to grow, He ought to be grieved. His ways are always life-giving, healing, and restorative.
Obedience to legitimate authority always bears good fruit. Team members open to their pastor’s revisions were rewarded with life-giving fruits in an abundance they’d not previously experienced. That’s the way it works in God’s kingdom.
In today’s Gospel, we are challenged to let go of our own way of doing things and open our hearts and minds to the healing power of Jesus.
Is there a hard place in your heart? Our Lord wants to soften it. Come to Him, just as you are, and tell Him that you’re ready to receive His love and healing. Is your mind set on an idea or perceived injustice of which you can’t seem to let go? Pray for the grace to have your thoughts shaped by the humility and love of Christ.
Let’s pray:
Oh God, nothing in my life is hidden from you.
You know me better than I know myself.
Remove any walls of fear or pride.
I’m sorry for listening to doubt.
Doubt whispers lies that I’m alone and unworthy.
I am not alone. I am Yours.
Help me to surrender everything to You.
Help me to trust You to fulfill my dreams and desires.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, shelter me in Your Communion of Love. Help me to remain with You now and always. Amen.