Who am I?
I struggled with comparison long before social media took it to a stratosphere out of this world. As a teenager, I compared my weight to that of the girls on the Drill Team. As a college student, I compared myself to the grading curve, which I never helped establish. As a single woman in my forties, I look at Christian marriages and families with children and feel less than the woman God created me to be.
Throughout my years in ministry, I’ve compared myself to the woman or man on stage giving the talk, the Catholic writer who released another book in her spare time, and the titles people bore. I never felt wise or educated enough to preach the truths of our Church or worthy enough to serve in the name of the Lord. So, you can say, I relate to Moses when he asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11)
I remember one night in Adoration, when I was comparing myself to someone, the Lord gently reminded me I was His beloved daughter.
I am not too much or too little; I am who He created me to be.
As long as I follow the voice of the Shepherd, I will know where He is calling me and what He is calling me to do. He doesn't care about titles, or degrees, or accomplishments; He only cares about my soul.
He rid me of the need to be equal to or greater than anyone else. He told me to stop striving and start abiding.
Sister, instead of asking the question, “Who am I?” with doubt of what we have to offer to God, we should ask the question with the confidence of Whose we are. God made each of us unique and perfect. When He calls us to lead His people out of slavery like Moses did the Israelites, or maybe just to invite them to return to Mass, He knows who He is calling.
He does not doubt our ability to lead our sisters and brothers to Him. Let's do it.