This Lent one of my intentions has been to listen more for God's voice in my life. I've been praying that however God wants to speak that I would be open and paying attention. I've been attempting to see my ordinary days through the lens of God's voice trying to filter its way to my heart like these first rays of spring sun trying to reach forgotten winter roots.
But as I try to hear God's voice in my own life and prayer I might not be putting as much value in God speaking through the human voices in my life.
In today's readings Jesus reminds the Jews that God the Father has given His people prophets who have spoken His word to them but they have rejected the very prophecies concerning Christ as Savior. Jesus reminds them that even though they know Scripture, they reject the words of the prophets and, in so doing, will never be able to see Him as their Redeemer.
How often have I looked for God's voice but glossed over those who are in positions to speak God's Word to me? God has given us the Church and promised to guide Her to know and teach truth with the help of the Holy Spirit. Through the Church we can hear His voice down through the ages just as He gave the prophets to the people of Israel. If I ignore the priests and bishops who teach the truths of the Church taught by the Magisterium of the Church, am I not ignoring God's voice in the same way the Jews searched Scripture but wouldn't accept Jesus as the Son of God?
As much as we need to listen to the still, small voice of God within our own hearts, we can't ignore that God has places human voices in our lives to learn from Him and to speak into our lives. Is there a Church teaching you're struggling with? Take it to a trusted priest or spiritual advisor to better understand the Church's wisdom today.
This advice on spiritual direction is helpful in both discerning it and finding a director.
Christy Isinger is a wife and mom to five lovely, loud children and lives in northern Canada. When not homeschooling, she is a devoted reader of English literature from Jane Austen to Agatha Christie. She writes about the beauty of faith, life, and the home at her blog and is the co-host of the Fountains of Carrots Podcast. You can find out more about her here. She is the author of our Blessed Conversations: The Ten Commandments study found here.