In my imaginative prayer, I was walking through a pine forest. The beams of sunshine were peeking through the branches and warming my face. My fingers brushed the sides of moss-covered trees. I came upon a stream with the inviting sounds of trickling water over sun-baked stones.
A whisper in my heart told me to lay down in the stream and allow the waters to wash over me. I laid down and floated atop the cool water. The gentle current washed over my ears, my eyes, my hair, my toes. I felt the warmth of the sun envelop me, and the most profound peace filled my soul.
When I opened my eyes, no longer was I in the cradling arms of the stream, but in the strong and perfect embrace of Jesus. He gazed deep into my eyes. He used the hem of His robe to dab dry my face. In His gaze, He poured into my soul the greatest love I have ever felt. With every passing second, He showed me that everything He has ever done and said was for me and for His abundant love of me.
He held my body and my heart close to Himself. He poured His Mercy out to me, His beloved. His fingers gently touched my face and He beamed at me.
This is the Divine Mercy of Jesus. He pours out His graces on each one of us.
On Divine Mercy Sunday, take some time to acquaint yourself with Saint Faustina and dip into her diary if you can.
Dr. Samantha Aguinaldo-Wetterholm is a wife to Paul, mom to three little ones, and practices dentistry at a public health community center for low income families in the Bay Area, California. She (unashamedly) thinks ice cream is its own food group, does not leave the house without wearing sparkly earrings, and is an enthusiastic proponent of the Oxford comma. She is a contributing author to our children's devotional prayer book called Rise Up. Find out more about her here.