“Lemme see! Lemme see! I want to see!”
Anyone who has been around children has probably hear these words countless times. In my years as a teacher for preschool and Kindergarten children, these were common phrases within the classroom. And if those words weren’t said aloud, the children would express this desire in their body language, as they would try various creative ways to scooch forward, shift in their seats, or move around so they could see.
This need to see and also to be seen is part of the human experience. We want to see, and likewise long to be seen as well.
Although Zaccheus, in today’s Gospel, was too short to see Jesus because of the crowd, he found a creative solution. “He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus” (Luke 19:4).
When life feels burdensome with a lot of pain, stress, and overwhelm, we can often lose the desire to solve problems and overcome our limitations using boldness and creativity. Perhaps, sometimes it can even feel easier to shut our eyes, choosing not to see, or even to hide ourselves away, not bothering to let others or God see us.
However the example of Zaccheus can inspire us to make the effort to take bold action, to do what it takes to see Jesus as well as to allow ourselves to be seen by Him.
What if Jesus is likewise planning to enter your home today, to bring salvation to your family as well as come into the home of your heart? May you have bold and childlike faith to do what you need in order to meet Jesus as He is passing by.
Allow yourself to be seen by Him. // Mary Catherine Craige Click to tweet