I won’t attempt to put words in Our Lord’s mouth; His words are perfect as they are.
Rather, let me take a moment to apply examples to His wisdom. Perhaps by doing so, the Spirit will inspire us to act within our own lives.
He might say to us today:
We don’t know the time or place when this earthly world will end, so we must prepare ourselves and others. Encourage those with mental health issues to seek help. Bring joy to those who are dead in spirit by sending a funny meme. Remember those who have incurable illnesses with a phone call. Call upon Saint Michael to help protect you from evil. Make note of the ways in which you were blessed today, and share whatever that is—share a lot of it.
(Personally, I received major affirmation and support from my girlfriends, so I want to pass that along to all of you: You’re ok. You’re doing your best today. I see you.)
Don’t horde clothing or money or food or anything. Take only what you need in this world. There are so many people in need of what we are saving just-in-case. And when you find yourself in need, allow someone to help you. Allowing someone to help you is allowing them to be Christ to the world too.
Build strong Christian communities. Pray for your friends. And if someone argues with you on the Internet, let it roll off your back.
While we might not qualify for apostolic succession (unless you’re the rare bishop reading today, in which case, “hello!”), we too have been called to “go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.” Serving our brothers and sisters in Christ certainly fits these instructions.
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How can you reach out and practice the "new evangelization" with those in your life? Read an explanation of it here.
Jenna Hines has a teeny army of four children and is married to a bearded fellow named Mike. They are a homeschooling family who just moved out to the country. Find her books and illustrations in her shop. You can find out more about her here.