for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 24 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 24

Today, we want to hear what devotions are most important to you! This month, our writers have shared some of their favorite ways to connect with the Lord, whether through...
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 23 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 23

Elizabeth Foss originally wrote this post for her blog almost ten years ago, but the lessons and graces of the Rosary are timeless. A few months ago, a friend suggested...
Devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Throughout most of my life, I've had a strong devotion to and love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are many reasons why, but I've picked seven today to...
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 21 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 21

How many of us have devotions to the Rosary? Laurel Muff reminds us how powerful the devotion to the Our Lady can be in this post. Hail Mary, full of...
Five Ways to Live the Year of Mercy - Blessed Is She

Five Ways to Live the Year of Mercy

Today, Colleen Mitchell shares five ways to beautifully live the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Jesus offers us the works of mercy as a way to connect directly with Him through...
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 19 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 19

Yesterday and today, Bobbi Rol of Revolution of Love shared posts about how she bookends her day with prayer. Today -- night prayer and what it looks like for her...
The Opportunity for Retreat - Blessed Is She

The Opportunity for Retreat

A few years ago, I went on seven retreats every year. I prepared for weeks - buying supplies, designating small groups, collecting permission slips, writing talks, and forming student leaders....
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 18 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 18

Today and tomorrow, Bobbi Rol of Revolution of Love is sharing posts about how she bookends her day with prayer. Today -- morning prayer and what it looks like for...
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 17 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 17

After this week's focus on interior prayer, Christy Isinger's devotional is a wonderful reminder of the kind of awareness that is fostered in the quiet of our hearts. Christy writes:...
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 16 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 16

We are over two weeks into building prayer intentionally into our days. Are you feeling refreshed as 2016 begins to build momentum? What can you do to foster your relationship...
Three Reasons I Go on Retreat - Blessed Is She

Three Reasons I Go on Retreat

Just as today's #projectblessed prompt asks you to look into your heart and take stock honestly of anything that is keeping you separate from God, Kendra Tierney of Catholic All...
projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 14 - Blessed Is She

projectblessed Prayer Pledge Day 14

Today, Gina Fensterer of Someday Saints has shared a post featuring one of her favorite psalms. As we think about prayer in the quiet of our hearts, it can be...