It was a small town Friday night football game, and the stadium was packed. The crowds sang along as the marching band played the school song, their noses peeking out under stocking caps and above fleece blankets. I stood alone, scanning the bleachers. There was a woman in the crowd, the mother of the junior varsity quarterback, and I had a question for her.
Once she was located I made my way, mustering all the courage my seventeen-year-old self had. “Mrs. McCoy,” I blurted out, "I see that you have faith that is so joyful and I don’t know what I want from you exactly, but I am hoping you can . . . teach . . . me?”
“Bonnie!” she replied with excitement and gentleness, “I would love to mentor you.”
We began the next week, and for two years Mrs. McCoy met with me on a weekly basis. We studied Scripture together, working through Bible studies but also simply reading and discussing Gospels and epistles. We prayed together aloud, and not from memory or a book but from our hearts. She trusted me with stories and prayer requests, not as a confidant but as a woman forming a disciple. She passed on life-giving lessons with everything we did.
Mrs. McCoy was my John the Baptist, pointing out the Lord as she said, “Behold, the Lamb of God” (John 1:36). The time spent with her made me confident to follow Jesus in a real and personal way. She taught me to know His voice, and so now when He calls to me, “Come, and you will see.” Just like Andrew, I go (John 1:39).
Who has been this person in your life? For whom can you be this person?
Just like Andrew, I go (John 1:39). // @bonnieengstromClick to tweet