Silence. The world waits in silence, as it did in the beginning when it was a formless wasteland (see Genesis 1:1). Here, too, I sit silently in the wait. I think back and reflect on this Lenten season and sink into these silent moments. I close my eyes and sit in the silence with Him.
Our little girl wakes, I can hear her on her monitor. The silence slips quickly away and my day officially begins.
And yet, as I hustle to her side, I am reminded of what He's been teaching me in this Lenten season about silence. Even when my surrounding is fast-paced and leaves little time for rest, the silence can remain when I choose it. He is here, too, in the internal silence I will choose. Daily. In each moment of each hour.
My Lenten journey has allowed me to cling to His words that echo: I am here in the ordinary. I am here with you as the external silence becomes loud. I am here with you—choose peace. Come to Me and I will be your resting place. Come to Me, stay with Me in this silence that is My peace.
I make my way to our sweet girl and approach our smiley little one in her crib. Resting in the reminders of His words, my thoughts slow and my heart re-calibrates. The subtle anxieties and weariness are covered by His glory.
Each moment of this day, I'll choose His peace. I'll choose to wait in silence. Because He has won this victory. And all He asks is that I hand this day and the moments of it over to Him—so that He may turn the silence into rejoicing. Into light and greater love.
He is here, too. And has been all along.
And I will wait over and over and over again each day to simply embrace the truth that He Who created the world in the beginning has won the victory. He has redeemed His creation. I am never alone. He has crushed death and overcome. And as silence turns to great joy, I will continue to remind myself of this: He is here, too. In the difficulty. In the challenge. In the ordinary. In the joy.
He is here, too.
I'll choose His peace. // Shalini BlubaughClick to tweet
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Shalini Blubaugh is a Minnesota transplant living in Denver, Colorado with her sweet husband, Matt, their gal pal, Callan, and quite large GSD pup, Sully. She is a stay at home, work from home fitness loving mama who loves pizza, because #balance. Shalini graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, served with NET Ministries, and went on to attend Law School. She graduated with her J.D. and happily leaves all things Law behind! Some of her favorites include travel, re-connecting with old friends and making new ones, the ways in which God so beautifully brings all things full circle in His time, and a good, loud thunderstorm. Find out more about her here.