I have been troubled by the same question that burdens many women, “Am I enough?”
This question seeps into our hearts, oftentimes as a result of a culture that endlessly demands more of us. We are led to believe that simplicity is somehow equivalent to inadequacy, that weakness is unappealing, and that strength is solely measured by productivity.
However, the miracle of loaves and fishes reveals to us in a very tangible way the truth. Today’s Gospel (Mark 8:1-10) reveals to us what Christ does with our remnants, with our littleness, and with our aching hunger as we wait to be filled by Our Savior.
Jesus asks His disciples, “How many loaves do you have?” After the disciples give Him all they have left, He takes it, breaks it, and multiples it. In the hands of Christ, a meager offering is transformed into a plentiful feast that feeds four thousand precious souls.
Therefore, I ask you, dear sister, to humbly hand Jesus all that you have whenever you wonder if you are enough. When your journey to holiness is hidden in ordinary life, hidden in immeasurable acts of immense love, think of them as your small basket of loaves and fishes.
Hand the Lord every hesitant email, uncomfortable phone call, difficult meeting, washed dish, swept floor, and soothed child. Hand the Lord every tired bone in your body, every overwhelmed tear that has slid down your cheek, and every perceived failure.
Give Him every portion and say, “This is what I have, Lord.” He will take your offering and multiply it. He will take your offering and perform miracles.
In the hands of Christ, a meager offering is transformed. // Leana BowlerClick to tweet
This painting of the Scripture explores humanity and many layers of creativity.
Leana Bowler is a wife and mother of five little ones. She is a Holy Rosary enthusiast with deep devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her love for the message of Divine Mercy led her to become a Marian Missionary of Divine Mercy dedicated to spreading Marian Consecration and the beauty of Christ's abundant Mercy. She enjoys finding the miracles in the mess of family life, books, strong coffee, and encountering others wherever they're at in this blessed journey to sainthood. You can find out more about her here.