Every year my goal for the New Year is to wake up before the kids so I can get my prayer time in.
I need a couple of minutes to orient my thoughts, give thanks for a brand new day, and ask Jesus to help me in the areas of my life where I feel like I am falling short. And as simple as this tiny goal may seem, it’s hard for me to execute. I try to get a little bit more sleep even though I hear the baby starting to fuss and try to squeeze out a couple more seconds of enjoying my warm cozy bed.
Once I pick up the baby, my prayer time seems completely out of reach; my son and daughter are hungry at the same time; they can’t find their clothes; and I’m missing the extra hands of my husband who is already out of the house.
I try to reclaim my morning by finally sitting down but then the baby approaches me like a linebacker going for the tackle! I look at the crucifix in our kitchen, and I remember that this is my prayer life. The Psalmist says, “Here I am Lord; I come to do you will” (Responsorial Psalm).
When I align my will to His, I’m not upset that I didn’t have the ideal morning prayer time with my coffee mug in hand or that I haven’t had a bite to eat yet. Serving these little people is the will of the Father. The will of God is in the here and now of this season of my life, not and in some fantasized idea of what that looks like.
The will of God is always moving me towards growing in love, virtue, and holiness. “Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will” is the perfect prayer that I can adopt on the days that I don’t get the type of morning that I want.
The will of God is in the here and now. // Mytae Carrasco WallaceClick to tweet