I left for my senior-year spring break only to return to a half-empty apartment, online classes for the rest of the semester, and a devastating break-up. As I packed up the on-campus life I had known for the last four years and began to grieve the things I took for granted, I couldn’t help but feel like my life had quickly become empty.
During the following months, I was tempted to believe that COVID-19 had abruptly dismantled everything I had known and loved for the last four years, to be convinced that the investments of my heart were nothing but wasted time, that the Lord must have missed this part in His “good” plan.
Thank goodness, Saint Paul had something to say about that.
In today’s reading, he writes to the Ephesians, “[A]nd to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19).
Over these last few months, I’ve come to realize that the lack of certainty in my life, in all our lives, does not mean a lesser love from the Father. In fact, His providence wills a life better than I could imagine.
His plan is not hindered by my comprehension; it’s motivated by a love that surpasses understanding. Knowledge of the Lord’s providence has never been what fills my life; His love does that. And it has always been enough.
We live in an uncertain time, which can be devastating in more ways than one. But regardless of the circumstances, the fullness of God is available because of His love for us.
It hasn’t been canceled or disrupted. It’s abundant and unchanging.
So let’s be filled.