"The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."
In construction terminology (which you may be completely unfamiliar with, as I am), the cornerstone is the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation. Every single stone that follows is set in reference to this stone, which determines the position of the entire structure.
Christ speaks simply of Himself to us in this parable. He is the cornerstone offered to us by our loving God, given freely so that we may have life within us and a foundation to build our lives upon. Reference to Christ as cornerstone is simple . . . He is to be first in our lives, the heart of everything we are, and we are to allow that to determine every aspect of how we live.
We are the builders, builders of the Kingdom here on Earth, builders of family and homes, of children, builders of relationships among people, yet we so often reject the cornerstone that we need to make these "buildings" happen. We reject Christ when we choose sin, when we choose selfishness, when we choose our busy lives over daily life in Christ. There are also many days where we can fall into the temptation to think we can build all these things with the foundation of our own knowledge, talents, or merits. A building is nothing without this piece, and we are nothing without Christ.
And so today, we are invited to look at our lives . . . do we treat Christ as cornerstone or as building block #9? Where are you placing Christ in the life you are building, in the home you are building?
May Christ be the crux of all that we say, do, and are . . . today and every day, that the Kingdom may be built on Earth through our homes, our hands, and our hearts.
Today, let us look at where we place Christ in every aspect of our lives—perhaps in your work, your relationships with others, your marriage—is He the reference point of your every day or simply an afterthought?
Emily Wilson planned her whole life to become a sports reporter but turned out to be a Catholic musician and speaker at the hand of God. She lives out of her suitcase and travels across the world speaking to people of all ages. The heart of her ministry is offering encouragement to teen girls in search of their true identity, and she loves ever second of it. You can find out more about her here.