for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

BIS Reads // Millennial Nuns by The Daughters of St. Paul - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Millennial Nuns by The Daughters of St. Paul

On the night before He suffered, Jesus prayed for His disciples, who were "in the world" but who belonged entirely to Him (see John 17). This call of radical discipleship...
Weekly Wallpaper // 280 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 280

...but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” // 2 Corinthians 12:9 Love this from today's readings. Let His word...
REMEMBER Series // Introduction - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // Introduction

I am quick to forget. I can remember birthdays and appointments and my friends' favorite flowers and yet, for some reason, I struggle to remember how faithful God has been...
BIS Reads // Simple Mercies - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Simple Mercies

When I look at the lives of the Saints, I see an ocean of personalities, vocations, experiences, and spiritualities. I marvel at the creativity of God and His goodness in...
BIS Reads // Graced and Gifted - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Graced and Gifted

Just as it took me a couple of years to settle in to motherhood, it took me some time to settle in to homemaking. Neither motherhood nor homemaking came naturally...
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 31 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 31

At the beginning of this new year, at the dawn of our time together in this year's Prayer Pledge, we contemplated this quote about the Rosary from Blessed Bartolo Longo:
Set a Fire: Praying through Lent with the BIS Sisterhood - Blessed Is She

Set a Fire: Praying through Lent with the BIS Sisterhood

After Jesus was baptized by His cousin, Saint John the Baptist, Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit immediately drove Him into the desert. Here, Jesus spent 40 days praying...
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 2 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 2

I didn't always love the Rosary. In fact, even after the Lord won my heart, even after my conversion, even after the Holy Spirit set my heart aflame, I still struggled with praying the Rosary.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 1 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 1

A new year dawns. Perhaps you're more ready for a fresh start than you ever have been. And while we know that the trials of last year don't cease with the turning of the calendar, there's still something... hopeful about beginning again.
By Their Fruits // Join Us for the 2021 Prayer Pledge - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits // Join Us for the 2021 Prayer Pledge

This is the text that will appear when we add an excerpt
BIS Reads // Awaken My Heart: A 52-Week Devotional - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Awaken My Heart: A 52-Week Devotional

During the Advent and Christmas seasons, we reflect a lot on "a weary world." The world, at all points in history, has been tired from sin and striving and aching...
How Making Plans Can Help Us with the Spiritual Discipline of Hope - Blessed Is She

How Making Plans Can Help Us with the Spiritual Discipline of Hope

The old adage goes that we make our plans, and God laughs. That's never felt more true for most of us than the reality of this year. What even are...