Beloved: The way we may be sure that we know Jesus is to keep his commandments. // 1 John 2:3
One of the traps of sin is that it blindfolds us. The deeper we are entrenched in sin, the more likely we are to commit more sin, to make excuses, to despair of God’s mercy, and, ironically, to judge others more harshly for their faults. It changes our vision. The darkness of sin is contrasted with Jesus, the Light of the World. By the light of His grace and truth, we are able to really see.
Today’s First Reading and Gospel relate to this spiritual seeing. Saint John (see 1 John 2:3-11) speaks about light vs. darkness in relation to God’s commands. When we follow the law of God, we are “in the light” and thus are able to see Him more clearly and respond to the plans He has for us.
In the Gospel (Luke 2:22-35), we meet Saint Simeon, a man who had spent years watching for the Messiah. He had been promised that he would not “see” death until he “saw” the Promised One. Simeon was faithful to the Lord, which means he was able to recognize Him as a tiny Babe. Simeon’s whole heart was bathed in the light of following God’s law, so God was able to speak through him.
When we keep God’s commands and have eyes for Him, as Simeon did, we are able to see clearly. This not only influences our interior life; it transforms the way we see others. As Saint John proclaimed, we cannot be in the light yet hate our brother. Spiritually seeing by the light shifts the way we treat others.
Today, ask the Holy Spirit to remove any blindfolds of sin and show you where He wants His glorious light to shine in your soul. Tell Him about what feels dark in your life and ask Him to bring the light of His Truth. And let’s get to the Sacrament of Confession this week so that we can be cleansed of sin and renew our commitment to following God’s laws. Then, with unimpaired spiritual seeing, let us watch for Him everywhere.
He wants His glorious light to shine in your soul. // Olivia SpearsClick to tweet